A stunning adventure story set in Dublin, where Viking mythology comes to life. Something wicked has been awoken under the earth...Buy the Book!
When his dad is offered a job working on the new Metro tunnel, Arthur has to move with him to Dublin. While exploring the dangerous tunnel and a hidden underground river, Arthur and his new friends Will and Ash find a mysterious glowing pendent...
The pendent depicts a giant Viking snake strangling the trunk of a tree. They soon work out that the pendent is a warning, a sign that something evil is waiting underneath the city. Something that's been imprisoned for a thousand years, something left by the Vikings, something that can, and will, destroy the world.
What did the Vikings bury under Dublin and why did they leave it there? Who is the dark man that spies on Arthur and what is his evil plan? In the end, only Arthur and his friends can save humanity from the dreaded World Serpent.